COSTA RICA ANIMAL RESCUE CENTER - the history of this center
Today Sarita wanted to talk to us all before the afternoon meeting. Nobody had a clue what this was about. Before she started she told us all to not cry. For once I did not hold my promise.
She wanted to talk about the history of this rescue center and now I want to share it with you because it needs to be told. It is also therefor I write in English.
Before this center was located in Limón, a city on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. The carribban side holds 5% of the animals in the world (!?) and wild animals in every form lived in the rainforrest around the center. The center was enormous. The cages were big and they had a santuracy also for marine life such as the leatherback turtle. They released animals every week.
It all started 2 years ago. The land where the santuracy were held was sold. I did not catch up to who but it was sold and a mage port were going to be built on the land.
In January this year they had to be out. Bernal and Marielos fought with the police, the newspapers, the court, the government but they werent welcome anywhere. The news didnt believe their atory was real and all of the others are corrupt. Instead they got 6 days to move the whole santuracy. Otherwise the animals were going to be killed or in the arms of the government.
The "government" slaughtered 1 hektar of rain forest in one day. Sarita sat on the center for three hours hearing the monkeys cry. If you've ever heard a howler monkey, you can imagine what it would sound like when hundreds of them looses their home.
In memoriam to Jairo - the man who fought for the leatherback sea turtles. He was warned 3 times by armed people to leave the beach otherwise they would kill him. He refused to leave. He lived for the turtles. The fourth time he was dragged behind a car in the sand, drowned in sand and shot in the head by one of the idiots. They went to jail but denied. When they released them they braged about them killing Jairo but the case was closed. The court had filed the case.
In the last minute Marielos found Raúl and his land. she begged him to let them have the center here. At last he said yes and they could start moving the animals. They didn't have a touch, nor the money needed for the move so Bernal, despite his disability, drove 2x4 hours every day from Limón to Turrucares to move the animals. When here they had to put all of the animals in small cages because they did not have the resources enough to take down the cages and build them up again. At last they got all of the animals here and after that they could transport some a little bigger cages, for the howlers and spidermonkeys.
All of the three toed sloths died in the move. All of them died from stress and this is still a big grief for all of the staff that still works here. Sarita cried during the whole time she told us the story.
The government is still silent about this. Nobody but some people high up in the government know the story about Costa Rica Animal Rescue Center. Therfore it is need to be told what happened to the santuracy and the rainforest. Most of the people around Costa Rica lives for the nature of this land and for the 5% of the world's animals that lives here. It's said that some trees in the rainforest is home for over 700 species. The center was 4 hektar + rainforest. Just imagine.
-some people are so poor, all they have is money-
We have decided to give this history some space on the center. Tomorrow we will make a beautiful spot by the waterfall in memory of Jairo and all of the animals that died in the move. 💕